Maths and English Tutoring

English Tutoring

Top Class Tutoring English sessions are based on the needs of the individual. The elements of grammar, spelling, sentence structure and punctuation form the basis of learning. During the sessions, children will work through reading, comprehension, spelling and writing activities predominantly through a ‘pen and paper’ approach, combining (very limited) computer work with linked activities on worksheets and in workbooks. The English program contains a sequential phonetic analysis approach to develop literacy. Word family groupings form the basis for the teaching of spelling. This provides a solid foundation for future literacy extension.

Maths Tutoring

Top Class Tutoring uses a diagnostic and remediation maths program to help children who are experiencing difficulty in maths. Problem areas are noted and corrected, using guidance, workbooks and (very limited) computer assisted instruction.

The program is designed for students in years 1 to 6 and covers all aspects of Number, Space, Measurement, Chance & Data, Algebra, Problem Solving and Fractions – to name a few.

Opening Hours

  • After school tuition by appointment, with 60 minute sessions beginning at 4.00pm and 5.00pm, in conjunction with state school term dates.
    • Maths and English are the standard services provided. 

    Enrolment and Pricing Information

    To download or view enrolment and pricing information, click here.
    If you have further questions in relation to services available, contact us via e-mail or phone.